The Riding Mountain National Park East Gate is the only original gate structure that remains in the entire National Park system in Canada. Completed in 1933, it is located on Manitoba's provincial highways #19 and #5. It was originally known as Norgate, and was built by local worker's and craftsmen hired through the government's Depression Relief Program. It is a significant example of the "Rustic Design" tradition of the 1930"s in Canada's National Parks. The log and stone walls were built with local materials. Besides the gate the area includes the Whirlpool Warden's Station and a gatekeepers residence. The complex was designated a National Historic Site in 1992.
I try to visit the gate at least once a year, thru the park on highway #19 then return via # 5 to Dauphin. I imagine my grandparents travelling from Dauphin with my mom and auntie in a vehicle just as depicted in this photo, making their way first to the family cottage on the north shore of Clear Lake, then later to the shop my grandfather H.W. Scrase established in 1938 within the townsite of Wasagaming. Where learned the craft of retailing + family business. Lessons not taught at university. Only learned by complete immersion one might say.
If you are inspired by your own story of Riding Mountain National Park and would like to see some of my exclusive creations please click here If you have never experienced the park please consider a visit a little piece of paradise.

Love the nostalgia of this collection.